above you will find one badass chick. name is bekka.
Hands-down one of the funniest people that I know. Bekka can make you laugh at any time of the day no matter what she is talking about. She is also one of the nicest and best friends a girl can ask for, someone who will always be on your side. But don't get her nice and funny personality wrong, growing up with three brothers she can throw down if need be!
Probably one of the craziest, if not the craziest person I know. Does not give a rat's ass about what anyone thinks, and I love her for that. At the same time, she is very caring, hard-working and will do anything for a friend in need. You also will never find anyone who loves to have sex, and talk to you about her sex life, more than becky ruth :)
- Danielle
Bekka is the SHIT. And what I mean by that is the biggest SHIT talker. ever. With that being said, she is also one of the most driven, self-motivated, independent girls alive. She will drink most adult men under the table with a smile on her face. Best of all she has the ability to turn even the worst day ever into one where you tears will be running down your leg.
this.bitch.where do i start? she's loud, out of control, and crazy and those are only a few reason why I love this bitch so much. Most people find our friendship strange but we don't fucking care. She's my ride or die white girl (yes I said it and i'm sure only becky will appreciate it :)). She'll be there for any of us at the drop of hat. She does things that are pretty fucking noble and works her ass off but I know all of her hard work will pay off! I miss her dearly but find her strength to pack up and move across the country admirable. If you ever want to smoke CN, or leaf lettuce slap someone becky's your girl! oh and please everyone call her uncle becky.
↑ This is me, bree!
"Always be yourself. Unless you can be a Unicorn
Then always be a Unicorn"
Inside that banging bod above is one of my very favorite people in the whole world-she has pulled me out of some pretty dark holes, dragged me home drunk, gotten mixed up with the CN, and ALWAYS MAKES ME SMILE!! -bekka
Hilarious, fun, and a fitness & health guru. She is my all-time favorite roommate and I love her to pieces! Bree is a great friend who will always pick you up, is supportive and there for you when you need it most, and is a blast to be with! -nicole.
Underneath that sexy bod is a girl who likes to sew/knit, play stupid games on her iPad, and be in bed by 8pm. She is an amazing friend, and will never judge you for anything, even if she really probably wants to. She is always up to have a good time. Oh, and she can kick some serious ass, so don't mess with her! - Danielle This. bitch. is. trouble. Sure she knits and sews like a grandma and works out like the hulk but, she can bring on some serious peer pressure when it comes to doing something dumb. She loves her family more than anyone I know and would do anything for her friends. If shes not sitting next to you in jail, she should definitely be your first phone call. Tif. |
"being a woman is hard work, but someones gotta do it"
Having an incredibly strong drive to succeed, an overwhelmingly amazing sense of humor (that tends to intensify with some booze), and the smarts of a genius is no small feat, but this woman has done it with such grace and without killing her drunk college friends along the way. -bekka
Danielle is smart, funny, and an amazing friend. She is one of the smartest people I know, and is a driven and hard working woman. She is also one of the best people to get drunk with, watch out, drunk danielle is a hilarious force to be reckoned with. -nicole.
One of my favorite things about Danielle is when she gets drunk and sings karaoke in her living room.....with only her wonderful husband, her sis and I in the audience. Gosh, I love her! Smart, strong-willed, caring, sweet and stubborn, loving daughter, sister, wife, and friend. I could go on and on. This girl stuck by me through a lot and I know she will be by side till the end. Not to mention her being my doctor friend really ups my creditably in the streets. She's one smart ass cookie and she's still my friend even though I don't know how to spell, I suck at grammar and she only wants to kill me sometimes when I use broken english:) love this girl!!!
Aside from the free medical advice, this girl has a lot to give. She is smart as fuck, luckily for the rest of us she enjoys "dumbing down" to join in our ridiculous conversations. She's a force that souldn't be reckoned with, especially when shes hitting the bottle. Karaoke is her hobby and she's not particularly good at it but she doesn't give a fuck what you think.
Aside from the free medical advice, this girl has a lot to give. She is smart as fuck, luckily for the rest of us she enjoys "dumbing down" to join in our ridiculous conversations. She's a force that souldn't be reckoned with, especially when shes hitting the bottle. Karaoke is her hobby and she's not particularly good at it but she doesn't give a fuck what you think.
"the people who succeed life are the ones who never stop moving. My goal... keep fucking moving"
this little spitfire, nicole, is one of the most positive, kind hearted people i know. this girl could see sunshine in a shit storm. her amazing outlook on life brings me back to earth and reminds me how blessed i am on a daily basis. -bekka
You can never be mad at Nicole. She is the biggest sweetheart and always has something nice to say about everyone. She is also gorgeous and I don't think she ever has a blemish on her skin (bitch, I know). Oh, and she likes exotic animals, like rabbits and bearded dragons.
- Danielle
She can charm a person into almost anything with her teeth rotting sweetness but don't let that fool you. She will whip her Coco sized tots out along with her colored skinnies and heels and party her ass off. I've been "sweet talked" into one too many shots with this girl on countles occassions yet she always sticks around to drag your blacked out, barefoot ass home.
IF ANYONE SAYS OR DOES ANYTHING TO HURT THIS GIRL. I.WILL.KILL.YOU. Nicole is the sweetest, most genuine,kindhearted person I've ever met. I will never forget when she asked me if she could eat a nutra-grain bar in my car- haha who does that?! Best roommate a girl could ask for, best friend a girl could ask for, best daughter, grand daughter, niece, sister, and the list goes on! Every time I'm with her, its always a good time because nicole is a ball of good/positive energy! She deserves nothing but the best which makes me wonder sometimes why she's friends with us...but she's always there for us even when we are bratty! Love her so much- and I'd do anything for her!!
- Danielle
She can charm a person into almost anything with her teeth rotting sweetness but don't let that fool you. She will whip her Coco sized tots out along with her colored skinnies and heels and party her ass off. I've been "sweet talked" into one too many shots with this girl on countles occassions yet she always sticks around to drag your blacked out, barefoot ass home.
IF ANYONE SAYS OR DOES ANYTHING TO HURT THIS GIRL. I.WILL.KILL.YOU. Nicole is the sweetest, most genuine,kindhearted person I've ever met. I will never forget when she asked me if she could eat a nutra-grain bar in my car- haha who does that?! Best roommate a girl could ask for, best friend a girl could ask for, best daughter, grand daughter, niece, sister, and the list goes on! Every time I'm with her, its always a good time because nicole is a ball of good/positive energy! She deserves nothing but the best which makes me wonder sometimes why she's friends with us...but she's always there for us even when we are bratty! Love her so much- and I'd do anything for her!!
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tiff. "Women are for friendship. Men are for fucking." |
One of the bravest women I know. Moved halfway around the world after high school and joined the armed forces. She works hard everyday for our country, and still has time to be a girlfriend, a "step-mom" and a student. She has the best sarcastic comebacks for any dumbass comment and I LOVE that.
- Danielle
Tiff is a woman of many hats and she handles so many different things at once I don't know how she does it. She is constantly helping out others and would be there in an instant for anyone who needs her. Like Danielle mentioned she is also in the armed forces- this girl can do it all! She is also very sarcastic, funny, a great friend, and all around so much fun to be around! -nicole.
This girl will put you in your place with a smile on her face. She is strong enough to throw a middle finger at the bullshit if it means protecting those close to her. She puts EVERYONE before herself and NEVER complains about it...I'm not even sure she realizes she does it, which makes her even more amazing. I love this bitch. -bekka
I remember the day tiff left for bootcamp. Damn, I could never do that and I don't know many who could. Her strength is remarkable and the size of heart is even bigger. But that is only for people she likes..warning- do not get on her bad side because she will call you ugly, fat ,slut,whore...while you are sitting across the table from her and she doesn't give a fuck. I love her quick witty comebacks, and she is always down to do some crazy shit. Some of the crazy stuff I've done, tiff has been right by my side. we get into a lot of trouble but everyone should just know that by now. It is what it is. I told my parents "hey I'm going to vegas ..tiff is meeting me out there." their response: "please dont' die." She's family and I love her like a sister. I'm so proud of everything she's done and is doing and I look up to her for so many reasons!!! She does things I could never ever ever do. love this girl.
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